i need an apron cause the paints in class damaged my favorite blouse last week :'(
i got only 30 mins left before I go to attend my decoupage class
20 mins walking distance to $12 store
i do not want to destroy the wedding gift of Charles & Teresa + Simon & Teresa -- while i love the length and cutting of their apron so much
thus ... a simple apron is made in 15 minutes.

since it was really too rush, i did not take photos along the production.
hope that i can describe it in wordings for this time.
All you need is : 1) fabric 2) polyester tape 3) sewing machine 4) scissors
Fabric & tapes preparation:
1. simply fold your favorite in half, fold the fabric into half as well underneath.
2. trace out the shape of the apron with approx. 2 cm allowance around the edge. --- to speed up this process, directly cut out the apron shape with 2 cm seam allowance.
3. prepare tape in polyester materials, melt the end with a flame--- this will save the time of folding the end of the tape and sew . ( 2 for neck, 2 for waist)

1. sew along the edge (with 1 cm distance) of the cut out fabric.
2. fold the seam allowance twice to the back so we don't have to do edging but still being able to give a nice finishing of the entire apron.
3. Attach the tape. Complete!

And since it's too rush, i didn't iron it. Please forgive me :)
I think I will be making a better quality and more details one, which of course will take more time for the production :)
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